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Showing Collections: 181 - 190 of 543

Extended and Continuing Education Programs Collection

Identifier: CSU-008
Abstract The Extended and Continuing Education Programs Collection includes a variety of CSU offices and commissions relating to extended or continuing education programs in the CSU. Offices or commissions include: Advisory Committee on Continuing Education (1968-1977); Commission on External Degree Program (1969-1978; Commission on Professional and Continuing Education (1972-2012); Continuing Education Department (1963-1983; 1995; 1999); Extended Education Department (1975; 1977; 1979-2001;...
Dates: 1963-2012; undated

External Degree Programs Records

Identifier: DH-1900-021
Scope and Contents

The records consist of correspondence, brochures, reports and annual reports for various degree programs.

Dates: 1972-1982

Faculty and Staff Affairs Records

Identifier: DH-1900-022
Scope and Contents

Correspondence, campus directories, faculty handbooks, staff newsletters, affirmative action plans, recruitment manuals, and training bulletins. Also includes personnel office policies, affirmative action plan and professional and instructional development materials.

Dates: 1966-2001

Faculty and Staff Affairs Division Records

Identifier: CSU-010

This collection contains records from the Faculty and Staff Affairs/Relations Office in the Chancellor's office and contain materials like correspondence, collective bargaining agreements and proposals, salary schedules and proposals, newsletters, ephemera, reports, and other materials.

Dates: 1961-2018; Majority of material found in 1977-1999

Faculty Womens Club Records

Identifier: DH-1900-023
Scope and Contents

This entity was formed as a social and service club for the wives of faculty members at CSCDH in the late 1960s Included are newsletters, constitution, news clippings, correspondence, lists of incoming faculty, club yearbook (addresses etc.), meeting minutes and other materials.

Dates: 1968-1970

Farmer's Almanac Collection

Identifier: SPC-2018-041

The Farmer's Almanac collection contains almanacs from the dates 1811 to 1960 with information regarding astronomy, weather, farming advice, law information, poetry, gardening tips, and periodicals. Between the years 1847 and 1848 the title of the almanacs changed from "The Farmer's Almanac" to "The Old Farmer's Almanac." Each almanac in the collection is weathered with age and fragile.

Dates: 1811-1960

Feminist Resources Collection

Identifier: SPC-2018-014

This collection contains eight boxes of publications, pamphlets, essays, flyers, speeches, ephemera, and other material regarding feminism; and feature topics centered around women's rights, news, and events.

Dates: 1895-2022, undated

Filer Compton Collection

Identifier: SPC-2022-012

This collection consists of approximately 25 magazines and newspaper titles, as well as newspaper clippings and ballots. The collection predominantly focuses on African American social and political news, civil rights issues, and cultural and entertainment news. A large portion of the collection consists of Jet magazines but almost equally as large is the collection of Ebony magazines. Some of the titles also included are The Crisis, Los Angeles Times, The Bulletin and more.

Dates: 1957-2020; Majority of material found within 1960-1990

Filipino American History Collection

Identifier: SPC-2022-033
Scope and Contents

The Filipino American History Collection (1940, 1965, 1971-2001; undated) contains newspapers; bulletins; reports; programs; and other documents related to Filipino Americans. Included are materials related to local news and events; socioeconomic data; activism; and culture.

Dates: 1940, 1965, 1971-2001; undated

Filipino Americans/Florante Peter Ibanez Collection

Identifier: SPC-2020-024

This collection contains programs, flyers, reports, newspapers, magazines, books, DVDs, VHS tapes, t-shirts, and other material belonging to Florante Peter Ibanez. A majority of the material in this collection relates to Filipino American events, organizations, history and culture. This collection also contains material related to Chinese American, Japanese American, Hawaiian; and other Asian American and Pacific Islander events and organizations.

Dates: 1938-2020; undated; Majority of material found within 1970-2009

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California State University Dominguez Hills, Gerth Archives and Special Collections 397
California State University Archives 53
University Archives 52
Holt Labor Library at CSU Dominguez Hills 41
Los Angeles (Calif.) 53
Photographs 37
Japanese Americans -- Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 33
Japanese Americans 32
Compton (Calif.) 25
∨ more
Japanese American families 24
Long Beach (Calif.) 23
Civil rights 19
Japanese Americans -- California 18
Gardena (Calif.) 16
Torrance (Calif.) 16
Education, Higher 15
San Francisco (Calif.) 15
Socialism 15
World War, 1939-1945 15
Trotskyism -- United States 14
Correspondence 13
Scrapbooks 13
Carson (Calif.) 12
Labor unions 12
Photograph albums 12
African Americans -- Civil Rights 10
African Americans -- Music 10
Education 10
Labor movement 10
Politics 10
World War, 1939-1945 -- Concentration camps -- United States 10
Activism 9
African Americans -- California -- Los Angeles 9
Apprenticeship programs -- United States 9
Communism 9
Gospel music 9
Japan 9
Manzanar War Relocation Center 9
Marxism -- United States 9
Periodicals 9
Public schools -- California -- Compton 9
Terminal Island (Calif.) 9
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 8
Earthquakes -- California -- Long Beach 8
Education, Higher -- California 8
Family life 8
Japanese Americans -- California, Southern 8
Labor unions -- United States 8
Nontraditional employment for women -- United States 8
Race discrimination 8
Sacred music 8
Sex discrimination in employment 8
Socialism -- United States 8
Socialism -- United States -- History -- 20th century 8
Wilmington (Los Angeles, Calif.) 8
Women in the labor movement 8
African American musicians 7
Feminism 7
Los Angeles (Calif.) -- Newspapers 7
Manhattan Beach (Calif.) 7
New York (N.Y.) 7
Santa Catalina Island (Calif.) 7
Social justice 7
Teachers 7
United States -- Emigration and immigration -- History 7
Women -- Employment 7
World War, 1939-1945 -- Japanese Americans 7
Affirmative action programs -- California 6
African American choirs 6
Buddhism 6
Concentration Camps -- United States 6
Dominguez Hills (Calif.) 6
Earthquake damages 6
Emigration and immigration 6
Fourth International 6
Japanese American newspapers 6
Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1944-1945 -- Archives 6
Japanese Americans -- History -- 20th century 6
Japanese Americans -- Reparations 6
Labor union members -- United States 6
Lawndale (Calif.) 6
Mexican Americans 6
Music -- Instruction and study 6
Pasadena (Calif.) 6
Philippines 6
Racism 6
Rancho San Pedro (Calif.) 6
Redondo Beach (Calif.) 6
San Pedro (Los Angeles, Calif.) 6
Spirituals (Songs) 6
Student movements 6
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Protest movements -- United States 6
Women -- Societies and clubs 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Forced removal of civilians -- United States 6
Yearbooks 6
African American choral conductors 5
African Americans -- California 5
African Americans -- History 5
Black people -- History 5
Building trades -- California 5
California State University, Dominguez Hills -- History 5
Church music 5
Communism -- United States 5
Communism -- United States -- History -- 20th century 5
∧ less
English 528
Japanese 39
Spanish; Castilian 33
French 9
German 9
∨ more  
California State University 47
California State University, Dominguez Hills 24
California State University. Office of the Chancellor 13
Poston Incarceration Camp 10
Dumke, Glenn S. 8
∨ more
Heart Mountain Incarceration Camp 8
California State University and Colleges 7
California State University. Board of Trustees 7
Los Angeles Unified School District 7
Caldwell, Hansonia L. (Hansonia LaVerne), 1944- 6
Grenier, Judson 6
Hairston, Jester, 1901-2000 6
Reagan, Ronald 6
Tule Lake Segregation Center 6
Amo, Gregorio del, 1858-1941 5
Gila River Incarceration Camp 5
Jerome Incarceration Camp 5
Manzanar Incarceration Camp 5
McNeil, Albert 5
Tradeswomen, Inc. 5
United States. Army 5
United States. Department of Labor 5
University of Southern California 5
Weatherwax, John M. (John Martin), 1900-1984 5
Wider Opportunities for Women, Inc. 5
Women in Non Traditional Employment Roles (WINTER) 5
Brown, Edmund G. (Edmund Gerald), 1905-1996 4
California State University, Chico 4
California State University, Long Beach 4
California State University, Northridge 4
Dominguez Estate Company 4
Electric Women 4
Gerth, Donald R. 4
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local 11 (Calif.) 4
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 4
Los Angeles (Calif.). Police Department 4
Santa Anita Assembly Center (Calif.) 4
Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968 4
Socialist Workers Party 4
Briegel , Kaye 3
Cabrero, Eugenio 3
Cain, Leo F. 3
California Community Colleges 3
California Polytechnic State University, Pomona 3
California State University, Fresno 3
California State University, Sacramento 3
California State University. Historical Archives 3
California State University. Historical Archives Advisory Committee 3
California. Legislature 3
California. State Department of Education 3
Century Freeway Affirmative Action Committee Inc. (Calif.) 3
Chanslor-Western Oil and Development Company 3
Chicago Women in Trades 3
Del Amo Estate Company 3
Del Amo, Jaime 3
Dominguez Water Corporation 3
Doro, Sue, 1937- 3
Fourth International 3
Gallagher, Leo 3
Holt Labor Library 3
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 3
Los Angeles Times (Firm) 3
Military Intelligence Service Language School (U.S.) 3
Minidoka Incarceration Camp 3
Mixer, Madeline 3
National Organization for Women 3
Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress 3
Obama, Barack 3
Socialist Action. (Organization : U.S.) 3
Standard Oil Company of California 3
Tule Lake Incarceration Camp 3
United States. Women's Bureau 3
University of California, Los Angeles 3
Watson Land Company 3
X, Malcolm, 1925-1965 3
Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers 2
American Civil Liberties Union 2
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born 2
American Servicemen's Union 2
Anderson, Glenn M. 2
Aquarian Spiritual Center (Los Angeles, Calif.) 2
Bailey, Alice, 1880-1949 2
Bialosky, Marshall, 1923-2016 2
Black Panther Party 2
Boston Tradeswomen's Network 2
Bradley, Tom, 1917-1998 2
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 2
California Public Utilities Commission 2
California State College, Dominguez Hills 2
California State University . Foundation 2
California State University Dominguez Hills Jubilee Choir 2
California State University and Colleges. Academic Senate 2
California State University and Colleges. Board of Trustees 2
California State University, Bakersfield 2
California State University, Dominguez Hills. Department of Music 2
California State University, Dominguez Hills. University Art Gallery 2
California State University, Fullerton 2
California State University, San Bernardino 2
California State University, San Marcos 2
California State University, Stanislaus 2
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