Box 1
Contains 31 Results:
Secretaria de Guerra y Marina, May 12, 1827
Primera Secretaria de Estado Departamento Esterior, May 19, 1827
The first document states that the government has a right to freely remove diplomatic ministers and agents. The second document declares increased pay for Governor of the Miter of Sonora and their secretary.
El Gobernador del Estado de Yucatan a sus Habitantes, July 20, 1827
The document is in regards to the Spanish born population residing in Mexico after the independence of Mexico
Gobierno del Estado Libre de San Luis Potosi Circular No. 63, December 7, 1827
This document is in regards to the expulsion of Spaniards, containing a list of criteria of who could be considered exceptions. The list also contains rules and regulations for the Spaniard population in San Luis Potosi
Secretaria de Guerra y Marina-Seccion 7, December 18, 1827
Gobierno Supremo del Estado Libre y Soberano de Veracruz Circular; El Gefe del Canton de Veracruz, March 24, 1828; April 11, 1828
The document is in regards to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna promising that the government will have its replacement for the loss of brig Guerrero
Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna Perez de Lebron, Vice-Gobernador del Estado de Veracruz, May 5, 1828
The document is in regards to a special meeting and contains the topics discussed
Secretaria de Guerra y Marina- Seccion 7, May 7, 1828
Manifesto que el Batallon de Tres Villas Hace al Benemerito Genio de la Libertad, el Ecsmo. Sr. General Don Antonio Lopez de Santa-Ana, July 6, 1829
The document is in regards to the Tres Villas Battalion
El Ynspector General de la Milicia Civica and El Coronel del Primer Regimiento de Milicia Nacional, November 24, 1829; November 26, 1829
The document is in regards to the Mexican Militia